Entering the space, I was immediately taken by the crisp taste of the water that swam around me, leveling to its viewer, speaking of jovial birth and solemn death. All of the images are gorgeous, speaking emotions through color and movement. Capturing different moments in the ocean, Friese’s photographs in tiefblau 7 s and tiefblau 11 s, evoke emotions of history and the self. Water, which Friese fantasizes as the place where we all come from, symbolizes births, deaths, and generations of history. The water has preceded us all. Digitally printed at the size of 80cm x 110cm the viewer comes eye to eye with the ocean, one of the most powerful bodies in existence. Standing before it, the viewer cannot help but feel connected to it, and somehow in fear of it.
--Jashin Ra Friedrich, NYC
This project comes with a video installation called 'me and the ocean', you can view it here.